From the 9th to the 13th of April was the 2018 Midlands Graduate School at the University of Nottingham. It was a very pleasant and interesting event, with a record number of participants(!), many of whom I really enjoyed meeting and talking to.
The invited course was given by Edwin Brady on Idris, a functional language with dependent types, primarily directed toward programming rather than theorem proving. I can’t encourage you enough to check it out, it’s a great language with great tools to ease development!
This post assumes some familiarity with Haskell and OCaml. If you’re not familiar with Idris, but familiar with Haskell (and vice-versa), you shouldn’t have any problem to understand what’s going on as the two are very close.
The problem
Unlike Haskell, Idris is strict. But it has the ability to have
explicitly lazy values: they are distinguished at the type level from
normal values with the type constructor Lazy
This got my supervisor wondering if laziness in Idris was powerful enough to make use of some classic « tying the knot » techniques that rely on laziness.
Here is the problem he asked me to try and solve:
Given a binary tree:
data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Int Tree Tree
Write a function that, in a single traversal of the tree, constructs a new tree where every integer in the new tree is the sum of the integers in the previous tree.
For example, the following tree:
/ \
/ \
7 8
/ \ / \
1 2 3 4
/ \
5 6
should be mapped to:
/ \
/ \
/ \
45 45
/ \ / \
45 45 45 45
/ \
45 45
In Haskell
In Haskell, here is how one does it. First write an auxiliary function:
recSumAux :: Tree -> Int -> (Tree, Int)
recSumAux (Leaf n) s = (Leaf s, n)
recSumAux (Node n t1 t2) s = (Node s t1' t2', n + s1 + s2)
where (t1', s1) = recSumAux t1 s
(t2', s2) = recSumAux t2 s
nearly does the two things we want: it constructs a new
tree, replacing all integers with a new value passed as arguments and, in the mean time,
calculates the sum of all the values in the old tree. The only thing
we have to do is to supply it with the right s
. But the right s
the second output of recSumAux
, so we just have to « tie the knot »,
and voilà:
recSum :: Tree -> Tree
recSum tree = ntree
where (ntree, s) = recSumAux tree s
Why does this work? Because Haskell is lazy, it will only evaluate s
when it needs to. But recSumAux
doesn’t need to evaluate s
produce a result, indeed when we construct, say Leaf s
, we don’t
need to know the value of s
. We just need to point to a place where
we can eventually find out its value (such a place is called a
So we’ve seen how to do this in a lazy language. Now can we do it with « manual » laziness annotations?
In OCaml
I know OCaml a lot better than Idris, and OCaml is like Idris with
regard to laziness: you have a lazy
keyword that takes some
expression of type 'a
, doesn’t evaluate it, and gives you back a
value of type 'a lazy_t
. To evaluate your lazy value, you can just
use Lazy.force
. So instead of directly trying to write an Idris
version, I first tried to write an OCaml one.
can be ported quite literally:
type lazy_int = int lazy_t
type tree =
| Leaf of lazy_int
| Node of lazy_int * tree * tree
(* rec_sum_aux : tree -> lazy_int -> tree * lazy_int *)
let rec rec_sum_aux tree s =
match tree with
| Leaf(n) -> (Leaf s, n)
| Node(n, t1, t2) ->
let (t1, s1) = rec_sum_aux t1 s in
let (t2, s2) = rec_sum_aux t2 s in
(Node(s, t1, t2), lazy (Lazy.force n + Lazy.force s1 + Lazy.force s2))
However, we can’t tie the knot like we did in Haskell. This:
let rec_sum tree =
let rec res = rec_sum_aux tree (snd res) in
fst res
will cause my least favourite compile-time error from OCaml: This
kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'
To get away with it, an idea is to use a fixed-point combinator:
(* fix : ('a lazy_t -> 'a) -> 'a *)
let rec fix f = f (lazy (fix f))
takes a function f
and applies it to the result of fix f
. This
can only work if f
is lazy in its first argument, otherwise it will
obviously loop forever. There is always a way to transform a let rec
block into an application of fix
, and our rec_sum
function is no exception:
(* map_lazy : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a lazy_t -> 'b lazy_t *)
let map_lazy f v = lazy (f (Lazy.force v))
let rec_sum tree =
let rec_fun res =
let (res_tree, lazy_int) = rec_sum_aux tree (map_lazy snd res) in
(res_tree, Lazy.force lazy_int) in
fst (fix rec_fun)
And it works! There’s a little catch however. Using fix
entails two traversal of the trees, rather than one. Indeed, if we
inline the first two calls to fix
in rec_sum
we get:
let rec_sum tree =
let rec_fun res = ... in
fst (rec_fun (rec_fun (fix rec_fun)))
What happens then is that the inner call to rec_fun
calculates the
sum by descending along the tree. It also reconstructs a new tree,
where each lazy_int
field points to the thunk map_lazy snd (fix
. This thunk will never be evaluated, because the outer call
to rec_fun
will go down the tree again, replacing this thunk with
the sum calculated by the inner call . Therefore there is in fact two
traversals of the tree, instead of one in the Haskell solution.
If you’re not convinced, you can slightly tweak the type of the tree so that it contains a mutable reference that will count the number of time the tree has been visited:
type tree =
| Leaf of int ref * lazy_int
| Node of int ref * lazy_int * tree * tree
Then you just have to increment the references in rec_sum_aux
let rec rec_sum_aux tree s =
match tree with
| Leaf(r, n) -> incr r; (Leaf(r, s), Lazy.force n)
| Node(r, n, t1, t2) ->
let (t1, s1) = rec_sum_aux t1 s in
let (t2, s2) = rec_sum_aux t2 s in
incr r;
(Node(r, s, t1, t2), Lazy.force n + s1 + s2)
And you’ll see that after the call to rec_sum
, these references will
contain 2
, indicating two traversals. I have no idea however how to
avoid this, so contributions are welcome!
We can slightly improve the formulation above, as it is a bit «
unnecessarily lazy ». Indeed, we don’t need the output of rec_sum_aux
to be evaluated lazily, we just need the constructed tree to contain
lazy values. So we can rewrite rec_sum_aux
and rec_sum
(* rec_sum_aux : tree -> lazy_int -> tree * int *)
let rec rec_sum_aux tree s =
match tree with
| Leaf(n) -> (Leaf s, Lazy.force n)
| Node(n, t1, t2) ->
let (t1, s1) = rec_sum_aux t1 s in
let (t2, s2) = rec_sum_aux t2 s in
(Node(s, t1, t2), Lazy.force n + s1 + s2))
let rec_sum tree =
let rec_fun res =
let (res_tree, int) = rec_sum_aux tree (map_lazy snd res) in
(res_tree, int) in
fst (fix rec_fun)
In Idris
The OCaml version can be ported directly to Idris. In Idris, the
equivalent of the lazy
keyword is Delay
, and the equivalent of
is simply Force
However Idris can infer from the types where to put Delay
and Force
automatically. That makes the Idris version a lot more pleasant to read:
data Tree : Type where
Leaf : Lazy Int -> Tree
Node : Lazy Int -> Tree -> Tree -> Tree
recSumAux : Tree -> Lazy Int -> (Tree, Int)
recSumAux (Leaf n) s = (Leaf s, n)
recSumAux (Node n t1 t2) s =
let (t1', s1) = recSumAux t1 s
(t2', s2) = recSumAux t2 s
in (Node s t1' t2', n + s1 + s2)
fix : (Lazy a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
recSum : Tree -> Tree
recSum tree =
fst (fix (\res => recSumAux tree (snd res)))
This version has the same problem as the OCaml one. And also it won’t pass Idris’s totality checker. It’s not a real problem since partial functions are allowed in Idris, but it is a bit unsatisfactory. Again, contributions are welcome!
Another problem with the Idris version is that, unlike in OCaml or
Haskell, results of evaluating a lazy values aren’t cached. They
basically behave like functions of type () -> a
. To visualise that,
you can replace s
in recSumAux
by unsafePerformIO (print "Foo"
*> pure s)
for instance, and you’ll see that the side effects are
executed at each evaluation of s
We’ve seen that it is possible to solve this problem in a strict language with careful use of laziness, even though in both cases we get a less efficient solution that does two traversals of the tree instead of one. In the case of Idris, the fact that the result of evaluations of lazy values are not cached make it, at least for now, quite unsuitable for this sort of circular programming techniques.
If you really have to solve this problem in a strict language, there
is a way that doesn’t quite respect the rule (in that it doesn’t
reconstruct the tree directly). Instead of returning a tree, you can
make recSumAux
return a closure that will reconstruct the tree when
you pass it the sum, and then make recSum
pass the sum to this
recSumAux : Tree -> (Int -> Tree, Int)
recSumAux (Leaf n) = (\sum => Leaf sum, n)
recSumAux (Node x t1 t2) =
let (ct1, s1) = recSumAux t1
(ct2, s2) = recSumAux t2
in (\sum => Node sum (ct1 sum) (ct2 sum), x + s1 + s2)
recSum : Tree -> Tree
recSum tree =
let (ctree, sum) = recSumAux tree
in ctree sum
Or, if your language has references, have your tree contain references to an integer instead of plain integer:
type tree =
| Leaf of int ref
| Node of int ref * tree * tree
let rec rec_sum_aux sum = function
| Leaf(v) ->
sum := !sum + !v;
| Node(v, t1, t2) ->
let t1 = rec_sum_aux sum t1 in
let t2 = rec_sum_aux sum t2 in
sum := !sum + !v;
Node(sum, t1, t2)
let rec_sum tree = rec_sum_aux (ref 0) tree
Many thanks to Edwin Brady for helping me on the Idris implementation (that is, fixing the very stupid mistakes I had made and understand what the Idris errors meant as a result) and to Jonathan King, from Imperial College, for the discussion we had on how to make the Idris implementation pass the totality checker.